FIND $50k In Your Business

With this FREE eWorkbook infuse revenue and profit into your business with 8 strategies proven to increase cash flow in under 90-days.

How to Launch a Startup The Right Way

1-2 June, 2020 | Washington, DC

We’ll Talk About Startup Business Success

Ut placerat ornare dolor. Etiam eu lorem mauris. Curabitur elementum turpis purus, ut pulvinar leo sodales vel. Suspendisse ultrices.


Did you know that chaos is killing your business's cash flow?

With this FREE eWorkbook, find the calm in the storm through 4 strategies proven to increase cash flow in under 90-days.

Learn how to:

💥 Differentiate your business so prospects chose you

💥 How to effectively market anywhere (social media, web, networking, etc)

💥 Simple easy-to-implement, no-cost strategies that instantly add cash flow

💥 Double your current sales volume by harnessing your database to maximize repeat business

💥 How to set up joint venture partners that promote your business for you

The Simple Strategies include:

Lead Generation Strategies:

💥 Marketing Conversion Equation

💥 Joint Ventures

Conversion Strategies:

💥 Down-selling

💥 Drip Campaign

More Transactions:

💥 Upsell & Cross-sell

💥 Expand Products & Services

Higher Pricing:

💥 Bundling

💥 Pricing Strategies

Hi, I'm Amanda. I'm a business chaos sorter with proprietary software and a step-by-step process that provides clarity and focus to business owners who want to write themselves bigger paychecks and take vacations without cash flow anxiety and endless calls from staff. If you want to see $150k hit your income statement in 90-to-120 days, start with the opt-in to the Profit Jolt Workbook, and we'll go from there.

Having launched, scaled, and sold a food manufacturing business myself, combined with a marketing career, I have an intimate knowledge of what it takes to grow a business.

There are three things I hear from my clients when they start working with me...

They want:

  • more cash in the bank,
  • more cash in their pocket, and
  • more time to spend with friends and family.

I have a sneaking suspicion you know something has to change. But, you've likely had some not-so-good experiences with business consultants or marketers in the past... You know the ones... they promised the world only to show little to no results. Let's change that today.

With my eWorkbook, you'll know why your marketing doesn't work. And, more importantly, how to fix it!

You should download Profit Jolt if...

  • your sales have stalled.
  • you've tried everything but have yet to make consistent profits in your business.
  • you're having trouble getting and keeping employees.
  • you're overwhelmed by how busy you are in your business and want to grow but are not sure how.
  • you know that your marketing should be converting more.
  • you are over the hamster wheel and hustle that is social media marketing...

I got you; let's dig In!

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Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed posuere suscipit arcu, ac pretium est iaculis eu.

John Doe

VP, International Sale and Business Development

Jane Doe

VP, International Sale and Business Development

John Doe

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John Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut est elit, luctus et nisi bibendum, aliquam sodales tellus. In a diam magna. Morbi venenatis ipsum nec erat iaculis, in fermentum nibh sagittis

John Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut est elit, luctus et nisi bibendum, aliquam sodales tellus. In a diam magna. Morbi venenatis ipsum nec erat iaculis, in fermentum nibh sagittis

John Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut est elit, luctus et nisi bibendum, aliquam sodales tellus. In a diam magna. Morbi venenatis ipsum nec erat iaculis, in fermentum nibh sagittis

John Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut est elit, luctus et nisi bibendum, aliquam sodales tellus. In a diam magna. Morbi venenatis ipsum nec erat iaculis, in fermentum nibh sagittis

John Doe

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut est elit, luctus et nisi bibendum, aliquam sodales tellus. In a diam magna. Morbi venenatis ipsum nec erat iaculis, in fermentum nibh sagittis

80 Startup Business Ideas That Can Make You Money: 2019 Edition

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1-2 June, 2020 | Washington, DC
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